South African Khatm e Nubuwat leader Moulana Ibrahim Adam passed away
27 December 2013/23 Safar 1435
Cape Town,
South Africa’s senior aalim, Maulana Ebrahim Adam RA passed away this afternoon at 12h30, virtually at the onset of Jummuah. Ml Adam RA had been ill for the last four years and was recently hospitalised with pneumonia.
The 73-year old Ml Adam AR lead the Pelicane Heights Masjid complex in Cape Town was well known for his research and lectures on a variety of fundamental subjects such as Life After Death and the Unseen. He made up the relatively small contingent of Ulama who promoted Islamic consciousness during the 70s and 80s with cassette recordings.
Despite “problems with his feet and polio”, Ml Adam RA studied at the Darul Uloom in Deoband, India and in Pakistan. He also lectured at the world’s fifth largest masjid in Lahore, the Badshahi Masjid before returning to Stellenbosch where he had been based for much of his later life.
Mufti Abdul Kader Hoosain who visited Ml Adam RA a few weeks ago said, “His contribution to South Africa, Africa and to the world is indelible. At that time when there weren’t any CDs and MP3s and so forth he used to run the series of life after death. Because of his sincerity I think every second Muslim home had the recording.”
In the authentic hadith of Tirmidhi it is stated that Muhammad SAW said, “Whosoever All Mighty Allah gives death on a Friday, the day of Friday or the night of Friday, then All Mighty Allah protects that person from the torment of the qabr.”
Mufti AK described Moulana Adam RA as a man of exemplary character who was humble and sincere.
Ml Adam’s AR wife passed away last Tuesday. His Janaazah will take place after maghrib today around 8pm.
“May All Mighty Allah SWT elevate his rank, grant him Jannatul Firdaus, and forgive his sins. He just lost his wife a few days ago. May All Mighty Allah grant his children and family sabreh jameel. We make dua that the ummah still listen to the works of Maulana Ebrahim Adam.