Published On: Thu, Sep 5th, 2013

Ahmadiyya: Propaganda, Deception and Censorship

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Posted by Shahid Kamal Ahmad ex Qadiani

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

In another embarrassing leak we’ve obtained, it has again become clear that the Ahmadiyya leadership prevents its members from enjoying their right of freedom of speech. All public writing has to be sanctioned by the Ahmadiyya top brass. Ahmadis are forbidden from writing to the media without prior approval and censorship. This amounts to thought control and is practiced only by oppressive cults. Further, Ahmadis are required to disguise their affiliation to the Ahmadiyya cult by using the deceptive front “Muslims Writers Guild of America”.


In a covering email, the chairman of “Majlis Sultan-ul-Qalam, USA”, Anees Ahmad writes:

“There have been incidents of MSQ members mistakenly sending pieces that include the Jamaat’s name without approval to newspapers – and being published. This is not allowed. Please review the attached document to understand protocol.”

(The leaked document is attached, below)

Cults should not be allowed to control the free speech of Ahmadis.

MSQ USA review protocol

A simple question arises: How can a group that claims to respect and promote freedom be allowed to actively curtail the freedom of speech of its own membership?

The media, which has been unwittingly complicit so far in promoting the Ahmadiyya agenda in its drive to make money out of Islamophobia, should note well that it is dealing with a cult whose business it is to make enormous sums of money out of its membership whilst touting itself as a progressive organisation.

The media should not support an organisation that lobbies for laws in foreign lands to be changed whilst preventing its own membership’s females from voting in their own leadership elections; that prevents its members from engaging with Muslims in universities; that prevents its members from having discussions with Muslims on social media; that prevents its members from mixing with the opposite gender at weddings whilst allowing the same for its more privileged members.

The media should not promote an organisation that extorts money out of its poorer members in insane property-acquisition drives out of all proportion with its actual needs.

The media should not allow itself to be used by a cult that seemingly supports values such as freedom whilst ruthlessly suppressing the social, economic and spiritual freedom of its own members.

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